Torre Guaceto - one of Puglia’s most popular naturist beaches
Torre Guaceto is a huge nature reserve lying to the north of Brindisi, not far from Ostuni. It is home to one of Puglia’s most popular gay and naturist beaches. But its secluded location means that it takes a little time to get there - and most gay guides take you the long way round. Locals have a quicker and easier way to get there.

Torre Guaceto gay and naturist beach
On a recent visit we were chatting to Viktor from London. He had taken the advice offered by another popular online gay travel guide and parked at the Punta Penna Grossa end of the reserve. He was cursing the 1 hour plus walk back to his car.
He found out about the easier, southern access to the gay beach from some friendly locals once he was on the beach.

Listen to the Naked Podcast from Torre Guaceto

How to get there
Most gay guides direct you to the gay section of Torre Guaceto’s naturist beach from Punta Penna Grossa at the northern end of the reserve. But from there it takes longer than the “45 minute walk” they suggest.
Be aware:
The Punta Penna Grossa beach car park is closed from mid-July and through August. Parking switches to the Meditur car park - area parcheggio ingresso nord riserva Torre Guaceto - further away. It’s a 25-minute walk to Punta Penna Grossa, so take the navette. The 5€ parking charge includes the navette to and back from Punta Penna Grossa.
When the Punta Penna Grossa beach car park is open - located at the ingresso riserva naturale dello stato di Torre Guaceto , it’s a 10 minute walk from the car park to the Punta Penna Grossa beach, before starting the walk to the naturist beach.
The walk from Punta Penna Grossa to the gay section of the naturist beach takes closer to an hour. The walk to the tower itself is straightforward - follow the coast. But when you get to the tower the path to the gay section to the south is difficult to find, to follow and, in part, to pass through.
That’s why the local gays access the beach from the south, from Boa Gialla.
Torre Guaceto is not licensed for naturist bathing. Very few beaches are. But despite the risk of fines, this is ignored - not just here but along many parts of the coast where naturist bathing takes place. Also, the gay beach is located in the marine reserve. Swimming and bathing are prohibited. Again this tends simply to be ignored!
Coming from the north
From Bari, Polignano, Monopoli, Ostuni etc. heading towards Brindisi and Lecce.

Exit the SS379 highway at the SS16 litoranea Apani - Punta Penne | Stazione S. Vito dei Normanni. Follow the signs to Apani | Riserva Marina Torre Guaceto Apani Boa Gialla taking you over the flyover bridge continuing down via Apani. Take the first left and then left again, as if driving back towards the highway, following the complanare side road. Turn right (where you see the large solar panel) down to lido Boa Gialla.

From the south heading north towards Ostuni and Bari, exit the SS379 highway where you see the sign for litoranea Apani - Punta Penne (at the exit there is also a sign for Stazione S. Vito dei Normanni). Follow the complanare side road and turn right (where you see the large solar panel) down to lido Boa Gialla.

From the north, heading south here’s the sign for the turn off for the SS16 litoranea Apani - Punta Penne | Stazione S. Vito dei Normanni.

Approaching the junction, with the via Apani flyover bridge in the distance.

At the junction. You can see the highway flyover bridge in the distance. Follow the complanare side-road you are now on onto and over the bridge down via Apani.

Follow the signs to Apani | Riserva Marina Torre Guaceto Apani Boa Gialla taking you over the flyover bridge continuing down via Apani.

Having taken the first left off via Apani, turn left again, back towards the highway.

Here is the large solar panel where you turn right down to the Boa Gialla car park.
Coming from the south
From the south heading towards Ostuni | Bari, take this exit from the highway. Follow the complanare side road that it brings you on to.

Zoom in and you can see the large solar panel sitting to the right hand side above the exiting car. That’s where you turn right to the Boa Gialla car park.

Don’t zoom in - that would be rude.
From the Boa Gialla car park
Walk along the path indicated in green on the screen caps above.
If you prefer you can access the beach directly from the path from Boa Gialla, and follow the coast around. You will be walking through the water in part. But it is possible, and many do. Most keep to the adjacent pathway accessing the beach from the access at the Centro Velico Torre Guaceto.
In that first section there are still a couple of tight corners where you will wade ankle deep through water around the eroding coast.

Getting onto the beach
The naturist section starts around the Centro Velico Torre Guaceto, about a 10 - 15 minute walk from the car park.
That first section tends to be mainly straight, becoming more mixed the further you go, with the gay section at the top, another 10 - 15 minute walk. You will know when you are there.

On the beach - our review
The gay section takes a little effort to get to. But over the summer months this is a busy beach, especially with locals at weekends.
The beach area is long and shallow with whiter rather than golden sand. It sits within an adjacent protected marine area where swimming is not actually permitted, though little regard is paid to this. However, drones have been known to fly over to police this - as perhaps other “activities”.
Cruising takes place and you will notice a steady stream of guys walking in the direction of the tower to the three “rooms” where those social activities take place. These are areas defined by the reeds and long grasses that extend out into the sea. They had been cut back at the beginning of the 2020 season, affording less screening and privacy than usual.
Facilities | none | bring your own refreshments.

These are the “rooms” where other activities take place, although this year the vegetation has been cut back and the activity is more exposed.

Come on in, the water’s fine. In actual fact the gay section is located by the marine protected area where swimming is prohibited.

The famous Torre Gay-ceto swing is in situ over the summer months.

Bring your own refreshments. There are no facilities at Torre Guaceto’s naturist beach.

Paradise? You’re there already.

The naturist beach is nude optional. No one will mind if you decide to cover up. After all, the sun is strong and everyone loves a tan line.