Sotto il fascismo l’Italia ha vissuto uno dei momenti più bui della sua storia LGBT+ quando centinaia di persone in tutta Italia (quasi esclusivamente uomini) vennero arrestate, schedate dal ministero dell’Interno, e mandate al confino perché omosessual.
‘Le stazioni della Via Dolorosa degli Arrusi’ è la storia degli ‘arrusi’. I quarantacinque uomini omosessuali catanesi arrestati e deportati nell’isola di San Domino delle Tremiti.
The heartbreak of a lost friend.
Piango, gemendo, sotto il peso
Di tanti affanni e del mio duol estremo.
Ma se il mio pianto in te destò pietà,
Soccorri il mio martir, rendimi la quiete.
Ricorda pur ch'io t'amo, ma lascia
Che l'oblio copra il mio passato errore.
Detained and disappeared
The arrusi were taken away from loved ones. Forcibly removed. They disappeared.
Sentenced initially to 5 years detention, some 700km away from home.
Remember Me
When I am laid, am laid in earth,
May my wrongs create
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
Remember me, remember me, but ah! forget my fate.
The heartbreak of a lost friend. It is him, not us. As hard as it can be, we never stop loving him. Even if his reality is different from ours. We will never be angry. Still, we miss him. We loved him. We LOVE him. He loved us. His defences told him to protect. His reality if different from ours, is real. For him, so real. Is it a pause, a break or forever? While we wait, our heart Our heart Our heart still feels full of love and light and hope Hoping his reality will adjust to find a space for us, Back home. We miss you. We love you. Don’t forget me.