These are small sandy beaches in rocky coves, surrounded by pine forest.
Both are popular with the families who stay in the nearby camping touristic villages. They are also locally well known, but fairly discreet, popular gay beaches.
Torre Pozzelle, the larger of the two, takes its name from the Aragonese watchtower at the side of the bay. A large touristic village sits behind the beach.
Lamaforca is the last of Ostuni’s marinas. Most of the beach is public, part is the private beach club for a nearby camping village.

There are no facilities on either beach. There is a nearby bar just behind the Torre Pozzelle bay.
By way of reminder, public beaches safe spaces open to all. While certain activities occur these may be tolerated rather than lawful. Engaging in sexual activity in public can result in fines ranging from €500 to €30,000.
The two busiest cruising areas around Ostuni are Lamaforca and Torre Pozzelle beaches on its outskirts.
Lamaforca and Torre Pozzella, in close proximity to each other, and about 8 km from Ostuni itself, just off the main coastal highway.
These are not gay beaches per se. They are actually popular family beaches, with dedicated tourist villages nearby. In summer these resorts are packed. The families staying there, as well as some Italians, use the beaches.
Peak cruising times | morning before 10am | between 2-4pm | from 6pm onwards, getting ever more popular as the sun sets.
You will see guys waiting in their cars, or standing by the paths that lead into the woods. Once in the woods, which only stretch back a short distance, just follow the paths and the men.
Both cruising areas are popular with men who identify as straight (Torre Pozzelle more so). Most people are likely to say hello and ask you what you are looking for before inviting you to follow them.
Beware though! We have seen police cars drive up and down the stretch of road that leads to Lamaforca from time to time, pulling drivers over to check their documentation.
If you do continue onto Lamaforca’s beach you will notice a gay presence close to the carpark side of the beach.

How to get there
Located about 8 km from Ostuni itself, just off the main coastal highway (E55). Take the Torre Pozzella exit, turn right for Lamaforca, left for Torre Pozzelle.
Exit the E55/SS379 highway at the exit for Lamaforca and Torre Pozzella.
Once you are over the bridge crossing the highway, turn right for Lamaforca. The road to the beach is a left turn off the side road that runs parallel to the highway, after about 150 metres.
The action starts on the drive down to the beach (but watch out for the potholes on the road). Guys will cruise you slowing down for a closer inspection as they drive by.
A little before the end of the road about 15 metres after the first gate (on your right) for the Lamaforca villagio turistico, turn left along the dirt track towards the woods, to where the car park is. You don’t even need to go as far as the beach. The wooded area behind the car park, at the side of the beach, is where the action happens. Families pass by to go down to the beach, oblivious or otherwise to what is happening only some 20 metres in. Though they have to be pretty bind to be that oblivious to it.

You will see guys waiting in their cars, or standing just by the paths that lead into the woods. Apparently they are a friendly bunch, likely to chat to you and ask you what you are looking for before inviting you to follow them into the woods.
If you do continue to the beach, you will notice the gay, bi or otherwise inquisitive guys usually sunbathing close to the carpark side of the beach.
The beach itself only amounts to a small stretch of sand, inside a rocky cove, itself popular to sit or lie out on (lounger or chair recommended for the rocks).
Once into the woods, which stretch back for a short distance, just follow the paths, and the people.

Torre Pozzella
Our Ostuni insider’s favourite of the two. More straight guys come here looking for “something different from what they get at home”.
From the bridge over the highway, turn left. The turn off to Torre Pozzella is about 15om along, turning off towards the sea on the right.
Once again the action takes place in the trees and scrub behind the beach, but be careful because during holidays and weekends, families will be bathing in and around the beach.
More | our gay guide to Ostuni, Puglia’s White City | Discover Puglia’s best gay beaches with our Puglia Gay Beach Guide