We are often asked for travel advice and information by visitors and those planning trips to our region.
If you have something to ask to help with planning your holiday to Puglia email us. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.
This one comes from Sid, currently living in Mexico.
The question:
Ciao,Just to let you know that I really enjoyed going through your Puglia Guide. We are in the process of buying a small property in Ceglie Messapica to spend the summers and am glad to find so much information about Puglia. Your pictures and drone/s are first class.Thank you for helping us making the right decision of moving to Puglia.I have a question for you.Is it normal that Real Estate Agents never answer back enquiries? It is unbelievable that nobody is interested in selling? Just want to understand.
Our answer:
Bella ciao from Puglia.
Based on our own experience and observation:
1. COMMERCIALLY - a goor realtor should respond. We imagine they make a judgement based on their understanding of a prospective purchaser’s commitment, how serious the realtor thinks they are and likely this will convert into €€€. An agent tasked with finding a prospective purchaser a suitable property might consider they have less incentive than an agent acting for a seller of a tangible asset already on their books.
2. CULTURALLY - Italians really do have a different way of doing things, a different speed, timeframe, sense of urgency. We are changing the registration of our car from another EU country to Italy. We were told it would take 7 - 10 days. Almost 4 months later we get told every couple of weeks that another 2 signatures are required on some form or other. The last time we asked, a month ago, we got the same answer: 7 - 10 days.
3. CONTEXTUALLY - Puglia was one of only two regions originally placed into an orange covid zone in Italy since the new regime of red, orange and green zoning came into effect. We currently have a soft lockdown here, and have had for almost 3 weeks. That is slowing things down; even though the realtor may be able to carry on his business, clients may not be keen to have contact, may be self-isolating, may have covid...
Hope that helps.
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