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Covid-19 in Puglia | 12 October Bulletin

Bulletin contains | update to information on entry to Italy, current as at 12 October 2020 | negative COVID test required for arrivals from the UK, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Czech Republic.

  • For arrivals from the UK, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Czech Republic : a negative COVID test is required when you arrive in Italy. You’ll be asked to show evidence that you tested negative in a test administered in the 72 hours before your travel.
  • Alternatively, you can get a free test on arrival at some airports, or at a testing facility in Italy shortly after you arrive. If you test positive within Italy, you will be required to quarantine. The time spent in quarantine can vary greatly from a few days to several weeks. Travellers should be prepared for this eventuality.
  • Additionally, if you have stayed in or transited through a small number of listed countries in the 14 days prior to entering Italy, you’ll need to self-isolate for 14 days on entering Italy. If you cannot do that for any reason, then entry to Italy may be refused.

At some airports, fast testing is available, and you will be able to get your results within an hour. At these airports, you usually won’t be allowed to leave until your results are available. Check the website of the airport you are flying to for more information on their process and operating times.

Remember that if you test positive, you will be quarantined until two consecutive negative tests have been recorded. The time spent in quarantine can vary greatly from a few days to several weeks. Travellers should be prepared for this eventuality.

Some airports in Italy do not have COVID-19 testing facilities. If you are flying to one of these airports (or if the facility is closed when you arrive) then you will be required to self-isolate and take a test at an alternative facility within 48 hours of your arrival instead. You should call the COVID-19 helpline for the region you are in to arrange this. You can be fined if you do not comply with this requirement.

Even if you don’t need to book a test, you still need to call the COVID-19 helpline for the region you are travelling within 48 hours of your arrival to inform them of your visit.

You can read more about the requirement to get a COVID-19 test (including when you might be exempt) on the website of the Italian Embassy in London.

Measures for all travellers

In addition to the above measures, all travellers to Italy must;

More information on these requirements is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs frequently asked questions page and online questionnaire.

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